Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Land of the Rising Sun in times of need...

First the earthquake, the biggest ever recorded 8.9 on the Richter scale, then a Tsunami, which swept towns and villages, now a possible Nuclear meltdown. What next for japan is on everyone's lips? We all sympathise, we all pray for the departed and the survivors, we donate money and kind and support all we can. We want to do what is right and hope that all will work out. We tell the Japanese to remain strong and calm, indeed they remain stoic and highly disciplined even in their sorrow and great discomfort. Tell those who lost family, friends and everything they own.
No looting! No howling! No one running around or blaming anyone!

We tell them to remain calm and united. Their own Government tells them to be calm and patient.
What a people! I sincerely pray that all their sorrows will end soon and that the nuclear threat will blow over and let the Japanese people mourn in their own time and place and pick up their lives again. God Bless them all.

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