Friday, September 2, 2011

Some of the most beautiful things in the world...

We often wonder at the wonderful things around and amrvel at their beauty. I came across such beauty in one of the emails forwarded to me and am pleased to share with you all the following. I am sure it will make your day just as they have mine. Enjoy!

One of the most beautiful horses in the world is
the Arabian.

One of the most beautiful bridges in the world is in
Japan ..

One of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world is
Niagara Falls in the U..S. and Canada

The most beautiful eyes in the world
belong to this little girl from Afghanistan

One of the most beautiful little girls in the world
is Fatima from Morocco

One of the most beautiful cities in the world is
Vancouver, Canada.

One of the most beautiful houses in the world is in Barcelona , Spain owned by the famous footballer, Ronaldhino.

Hope you enjoyed watching them as I have. Cheers!

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