Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy New Year - 2013

Gosh..is it really 2013...is January coming to an end...Yes...somehow I let 2012 just slip away and the new year creeped in and I haven't made any new resolutions. Then again I ask myself...do I need to make them..cos looking back, were any of the resolutions I made last year achieved? Some yes...the rest on't think so. So now that its January, what new rules of the game do I want to play.

2013- I changed jobs! Same organisation but two jobs within 14 months...well..let's take it positively.
I am learning new things (albeit at my age), I think I have the added advantage of mastering two depts...
the colleaques and workers are familiar...so I will take it all in my stride.

For the New Year, I will learn more, play more, relax more, love more, pay more attention to my health and be more efficient and effective asa leader and colleaque. As I wear many hats, so I hope all my roles will become better and clearer. Hey, I want to be a better ME in 2013.

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