Sunday, October 14, 2012

Days of our lives...a step back...

This has got me thinking about my life right now...

It has been work, work, work...for as long as I remember, after I graduated back in 1982.
Even when the kids came along, I had to juggle work and being a mom. Hubby was helpful and family
was often nearby to help. There was my mum and dad when I had my first girl.Then when I had my other
two younger kids, my mum in-law came to stay I was certainly lucky. My real test came when I took a two year break from to become a full time mom and followed my husband to the US where he was studying for his Masters. I had to take care of the kids full time while hubby went off to study. It was a very trying time but it gave me the experience to learn more about being a housewife and mother. As I look back now, it was a good basis for a strong relationship with my kids...I am in contact with them everyday either through Watsapp or Facebook or Skype. My children are all great kids and I sincerely hope they remain in contact with me and my husband even when they are all gorwn up, married adn with kids of their own. One hears of stories where paremts get alienated from their children as they age. As I go on in years, I pray everyday that God will keep my family in his care always. I won't be retiring just yet, can't afford to retire actually. So I trudge to work everyday, praying for good health and the strength to carry on and deliver the tasks given to me, plus the responsibility entrusted upon me.

Family is important to me...not only my nucleus family but my extended family members. Having read my sister's stories of our lives when we were young made me want to reflect on mine as well. I had a good childhood...I had good memories of growing up, I remember everything, my parents, my relatives, my brothers and sisters, my neighbours, my neighbourhood, my friends, my school, my childhood. Yes there were good times, and good memories but there were also some not so good times. Still I think I will want to remember the good times cos this is what has shaped me to be what I am today...

Will be wiriting soon...

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