Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Good study habits...

Good article and guide for our students...

Good Study Habits In College Make For A Good Student
By Sulal

It all starts with Studying.
The success or failure of a career depends largely on college, and a successful academic career is mainly based on academic performance. Studying plays a major role in achieving academic success. Study skills must be earned, honed and applied in order for a student to enhance his or her academic performance. Developing good study habits can improve a student’s performance enormously.

Homework requires concentration, so try doing it in a special study area. The location should be quite free from distractions such as television, conversations or loud music. The room should be brightly lit to accommodate reading and to avoid eyestrain and headaches. Homework should be completed each day at the same time, manufacturing a considerate schedule. Prioritize assignments – break up the longer assignments into specific sections so that they can be easily completed in a timely fashion.

Be Proactive!
Don’t run the risk of forgetting important homework and study assignments by trying to remember them. Instead, chronicle your assignments and study tasks. This will allow you to remember all of the important details the teacher conveyed during class. Your notebook can include the name of the subject, the date the information was received, the date the assignment is due and all pertinent details for completing the assignment. eLearners.com is a great website to check out for information on college classes.

If the assignment instructions are unclear, do not leave the classroom without getting a complete understanding of the subject and directions. You will not be able to complete the assignment if you do not understand the instructions. Because most assignments are given orally, it is imperative that students have a keen ear and listen carefully to the professor’s directions and adhere to the following guidelines.

Now Finish This Before Tomorrow
An Ordered Process
As the teacher conveys spoken directions, try to take notes exactly as given. Include all steps that are relayed in the instructions. Make every attempt to arrange them in the sequence they are to be completed. Be sure to write down key words that give express direction on how to complete the assignment. These key words can include like read, write, organize, and memorize. If you need further clarification, ask the teacher to repeat or explain in further details.

When directions are given in written form by the teacher, like directly from the chalkboard, lifted from overhead transparencies, or given in a handout, be sure to read over the directions in its entirety. Be sure to ask any questions about the directions that you do not understand before leaving the classroom. Start the assignment by dividing up the directions into steps (in logical order). Then, collect all of the materials you need to complete the assignment. This is just as true for traditional classes as it is for accredited online courses.

Good Study Habits
It will help you in your college career to develop good study habits. The first thing you need to do is take responsibility for your actions. You are the only one who can decide your priorities and how to use your time and resources.
Don't allow yourself to become distracted by friends and fellow students. Keep in mind the bigger picture. Know what you have to do and when it needs to be done. Keep your goals in mind. Don't let other people influence you into not doing your work.

Figure out your most productive times of the day. If you study best in the morning, plan to study your hardest subjects first. If you have trouble concentrating at a certain time, don't get out your hardest subjects or your most complex project.
If you do not understand the course material, try some innovative ways to learn it. Don't just keep rereading the material in hopes that you will eventually understand it. Ask your instructor for help. If your school has study sessions and peer tutors, take advantage of these offerings. Set up study groups within your class.

When you put your best effort in your work, then you have succeeded. If you are satisfied with what you have done and know that you have done your best, then your grade is the icing on the cake. Always give your best in the classroom and in study sessions. By doing so, you will know that you have tried.

For more information, go to...

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