So much has been said about we oldies being digital immigrants and our children being born digital natives. How far is this true? No doubt we are learning about technology and immersing ourselves in it everyday but however fast we are, our kids are one step ahead of us. So much has been said about preparing ourselves for the 21st century, so where are we. What is 21st century learning and what do we mean by 21st century learning skills? Whatever is meant, we have no choice but to move forward, to equip ourselves with the knowledge to face the ever changing technology that surrounds us so that we can prepare to face our children, our students who seem to have everything at their finger tips. How to move from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning. Accessibility and knowledge of how things work and where to get the information. 21st century skills include the 4 skills of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication. Everyone's talking about web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning. Do you use them? I have read successful stories and they are the in-thing now. Suffice to say, we should get ourselves on the bandwagon, shape up or ship out. We have to learn to keep up else we be left behind. I am trying to read more, google more and do depend heavily on my favorite site the wikis. So I got myself a BB so I can keep up with the latest techno, so I can chat with my kids more and acquire skills that are just a finger tip away...to everyone who is also facing techno fever, good luck and keep up the good work.
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