Sunday, August 28, 2011

There is no sacrifice without pain and there is no love without sacrifice...

I was at church this morning and the homily delivered by the parish priest was about making sacrifices and choices in life.
He said there is no sacrifice without true. How many times in our lives have we sacrificed one thing or another; sometimes for friendship, sometimes for love and soemetimes beacuse it's the right thing to do. we scarifice our time to help others, we sacrifice some of our pocket money to give those in need, we sacrifice our love so that others can enjoy. Sometimes we sacrifice for our kids and our parents...but as the priest says all come with choices. We are the ones who choose to make the sacrifices...yes indeed. We choose to give up on some things, time, it is painful at times. In the end, we make the choice to sacrifice because we know deep in our hearts, others need it more. So as I wrote some time ago about making choices about life and love, it is difficult and indeed painful but somehow we do move on, we change and we move forward. Pain can be numbed after some time...when I do believe that time heals everything and it does numb the pain. Friends do help a lot...thank you all.

I'd like to believe that the hurt we feel does go away over time..goodness knows..I have felt pain and hurt numerous times the past few years, yet I know that life has to go on and we have to move I let it pass because i know that if we wallow in self pity it will break us...the people who hurt us know what they did. I believe that what goes round, comes around so I know one day..they who inflict the pain will feel it too.I believe their time will come if not now on earth later when they meet their Maker.
I am not perfect but so are you!
For me...yes I may forgive but I don't think its that easy to forget the hurt and pain...we just numb it all and carry on with our lives..else how can we go on right.
So to everyone...let's do good to others, let's not hurt others...let's make sacrifices while we can and do our part in making the world a better place to live in. Let's make the right choices.

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