Ramadan Al Mubarak (meaning "the Blessed") is the 9th month of the Muslim calendar. Ramadan is singled out for acts of worships and fasting because the first verses of the Holy Qur'an were revealed to the Prophet during a period of meditation and solitude in a cave near Mecca in the 7th Century.
Ramadan, for Muslims is a month of fasting, spiritualism, meditation and abstinence from food, drinks, smoking and continence in all respects between dawn and dusk. It also calls for more prayers and meditation coupled with increased tolerance towards one's fellow beings. Only the sick, the infirm, women in their menstruation periods, nursing mothers and travellers are exempt from fasting, but they are expected to make up the lost days at another time. Ramadan is also a month of charity and compassion. Alms are given to the poor. Special foods and sweetmeats are prepared for breaking of the fast each evening throughout the month.
After the discipline of prayers fasting and meditation, Ramadan culminates with the joyous celebration of Eid Al Fitr. Muslims observe a three days holiday marked by mass prayers, family reunions, social visits and exchange of courtesies and gifts. People meet together and greet one another with the traditional phrase of "Eid Mubarak".
Some useful Ramadan phrases
Ramadan Kareem: Happy Ramadan. (Response: Allahu Akram)
Ramadan Mubarak: Ramadan blessings.
Siam Maqbool wa Iftar shahee: Well fasted and enjoy breaking fast. (to be said at sunset)
Kul sana wa inta tayyib: Every year you are fine. (Response: Wa inta)
Selamat berpuasa to all my Muslim friends.
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