Anyone been growing your own veggies lately/ Well I have...and quite successful too. J
See the fruit of my labour? Nice eh, the plant itself sprouted 5 tomatoes. This being the only tomato plant that survived from many I tried to grow. In the past I had successfully planted baby cherry tomatoes, seeds I got from some tomatoes I bought in Cameron Highlands. This crop gave us some thrill...wow imagine eating the fruit of your labour. Guess some of you have better luck than me. I do have some herbs, pandan, curry leaves and even some mulberry plants a friend gave me in the small patch of garden in front of my house. Other plants are grown in pots. My favourites being the monkey cups which have grown tremendously since I got them also from CH some time back. Have a look...you’d be amazed at what you can grow and nurture in a small plot of land! 'Wish I had more time but for now, its just the weekend I have my fun gardening ...what about you?
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