Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents or guardians may feel when one or more of their children leave home; it is more common in women. The marriage of a child can lead to similar feelings, with the role and influence of the parents often becoming less important compared to the new spouse.
A strong maternal or paternal bond between the parent and child can make the condition worse. The role of the parent while the child is still living with them is more hands-on and immediate than is possible when they have moved out, particularly if the distance means that visits are difficult.
I am sure some of you mums out there are feeling the blues or the empty-nest syndrome. Me...feeling some of the heat...my son, Jon will soon be leaving home to start his university life. He will be 19 soon and leaving home for the first time. Wow...though its kind of hard to let go, my hub and I feel it will also be good for him. Though he had progressed from school to college, he was still staying at home and studying in KL. Now he will leave the comforts of home and venture out on his own. No more nagging from mum, no more mum calling to check where the son is or what time he's coming home, at least while he's away. He will be experiencing his own kind of freedom and independence. Guess, it would be hard to let go but I think its best for all. I think in the long run, it would make him stronger, more independent, and more responsible.
To my son, work hard son, stay healthy and well, most of all, enjoy your varsity days, make the most of your life there and here's wishing you 4 happy years, taking the path less trodden by and that has made the most difference! Good luck son...and I am sure the road you choose to take will be the best decision you have ever made. We will definitely be visiting so don't worry...you might feel home sick for a while but I am sure you will make friends soon enough. My eldest girll Jen left home two years ago and we all miss her. However, she has always been away on TV assignments when young and has visited many places, even war torn Irag and as far as Paris and Rio de Janeiro! Guess we feel it more now that our two kids have flown the nest...but we are comforted, we still have baby Jo at home...not so really, she's in her last year at school, before college, so soon I will have that feeling again...
Which parent doesn't feel the loneliness of kids in the house, the dinners together, the outings...but this is life. So I am comforted again that new technologies have made it possible for us to be close to one another amidst the distance. Yes, we can sms and talk oin the phone and we can get online and skype. Thank God for that.
To Jon,
Warm wishes and love always.
Mum and dad
Jen and Jo
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