There are many things in life that we treasure and hold dear in our hearts. We think of our loved ones, family and friends, we reminiscence about past events and savour the memories.
…let’s look further …
3 Things that once gone and never come back:

Time flies, time heals, time spent cannot be recouped, this too shall past…common clichés we all use in our lives…time is but a phase…
Words once spoken, cannot be retracted, the tongue is sharper than a sword, words not spoken will never get the chance to be spoken…speak only when spoken to, children should be seen and not heard…
Words, powerful when its meant to be, and saving lives where its needed…
Opportunity knocks but once…
Grab the chance when it comes, opportunity lost cannot be regained…
3 Things that can destroy a person’s life
Count to ten before you speak when angry. An angry man is a hungry man.
Anger will only make things worse…Control your anger and it will make you a better person.
Pride comes before a fall. Take pride in what you do but don’t go overboard.
Pride and prejudice will lead you nowhere…
Forgive and forget, easier said than done…To err is human, to forgive divine…have forgiveness in your heart and it will make you a better man…
3 Things you should never lose

Hope for the best.
Where’s there’s hope, there is life…
Lose hope and all is gone…hope is what we all hang onto…
-Peace :
Peace on earth, goodwill to all mankind.
Peace of mind and peace in our hearts.
They will help you sleep better at night.
Honesty is the best policy.
3 Things that are most valuable

Love with all your heart and soul. Love like there is no tomorrow.
Love and you will be loved. The greatest thing on earth is love.
-Family and friends:
Hold your family and friends close to your heart. They are the ones who will stand by you, with you when no one else will…
Be generous and kind. There is no price tag to kindness.
Kindness begets the soul…
3 Things that are never certain

What is yours is yours and will come back to you.
Fortune smiles on those who deserve it. Good fortune should be enjoyed in its entirety and
should never be taken for granted. Here today, gone tomorrow…
Work hard and you will get the success you deserve. Success comes to those who work hard.
Maintaining success is your choice. Failure is not an option.
This is what dreams are made of…you can dream but you may not get what you dream…
Hold on to your dreams for you never know…
3 Things that make a person who they are
Commitment, a word that maketh a quality man.
Be committed in what you do and stick to it. All else comes when there is commitment.
It is the responsibility of everyone to do his best and give his best.
-Hard work:
Hard work never killed anyone. Work comes before success everywhere and every time.
Three things in life...think about them...abide by them...use them...
Have a healthy, creative life.
Good luck!
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