Mother's Day!
We all have mothers, else we wouldn't be here, right.
Stories, poems,blogs ...you name them, all have been created in the name of thy beloved mother.
I have a mother, I have aunts, cousins, sisters, friends who are mothers. I myself am a mother of three beautiful children.
I would like to say I have done my part and am still doing my part as a mother to my kids.
Have I succeeded so far, I believe so. I would love to spend more time with them but work and time does not permit. I try my best to provide for them whilst giving space and time to myself and my husband.
My own mother spent all her life working and taking care of her six children and then her eleven grandkids. We love her and appreciate her. we would love to spend time taking care of her, and being with her but distance, space and time again does not permit. Mum and dad will not leave their nest no matter what, and can never be away from their home for more than three days.
We all hope they will be okay and God will bless them in their old age.
Mothers are special. I am special too cos' I'm a mum!
Mothers are there for you to cry on, to listen to your tales, your problems, to act as your babysitters, your reliable mates when things don't work out at home, your soulmates if you need to pour your hearts out, to share your happiness and joys of childbirth and weddings and bithday celebrations etc.
Today, I read Xandria Ooi's column and do agree, we should appreciate our parents while they are still with us rather than deal with the pain of losing them when they are gone.
I remind myself to call my mum daily and make sure she and my dad are ok. I also play my part as a mum by calling my kids and making sure they are ok especially when I am away from home.
This is the second week my husband's not home. last week he was in Germany with his KSU, the next two and a half weeks, he'll be in Seoul, Korea for a course. So its me playing mum and dad.
Luckily, my kids are great, old enough to look after themselves, a maid who is reliable and also a sister in -law who helps out.
I need space and time too as a wife and mother. I do appreciate my time with my kids and hope they do too. A mother's work is never done so they say, so for working mothers, its extra 'hard' but you will agree that a good balance between work and running the house is needed.
Working mothers like us have to work it out and do our best. Housewives also work just as hard.
Mothers- you are special and don't anyone forget that!
Happy Mothers Day!
We all have mothers, else we wouldn't be here, right.
Stories, poems,blogs ...you name them, all have been created in the name of thy beloved mother.
I have a mother, I have aunts, cousins, sisters, friends who are mothers. I myself am a mother of three beautiful children.
I would like to say I have done my part and am still doing my part as a mother to my kids.
Have I succeeded so far, I believe so. I would love to spend more time with them but work and time does not permit. I try my best to provide for them whilst giving space and time to myself and my husband.
My own mother spent all her life working and taking care of her six children and then her eleven grandkids. We love her and appreciate her. we would love to spend time taking care of her, and being with her but distance, space and time again does not permit. Mum and dad will not leave their nest no matter what, and can never be away from their home for more than three days.
We all hope they will be okay and God will bless them in their old age.
Mothers are special. I am special too cos' I'm a mum!
Mothers are there for you to cry on, to listen to your tales, your problems, to act as your babysitters, your reliable mates when things don't work out at home, your soulmates if you need to pour your hearts out, to share your happiness and joys of childbirth and weddings and bithday celebrations etc.
Today, I read Xandria Ooi's column and do agree, we should appreciate our parents while they are still with us rather than deal with the pain of losing them when they are gone.
I remind myself to call my mum daily and make sure she and my dad are ok. I also play my part as a mum by calling my kids and making sure they are ok especially when I am away from home.
This is the second week my husband's not home. last week he was in Germany with his KSU, the next two and a half weeks, he'll be in Seoul, Korea for a course. So its me playing mum and dad.
Luckily, my kids are great, old enough to look after themselves, a maid who is reliable and also a sister in -law who helps out.
I need space and time too as a wife and mother. I do appreciate my time with my kids and hope they do too. A mother's work is never done so they say, so for working mothers, its extra 'hard' but you will agree that a good balance between work and running the house is needed.
Working mothers like us have to work it out and do our best. Housewives also work just as hard.
Mothers- you are special and don't anyone forget that!
Happy Mothers Day!
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