Chinese Zodiac - The Magnificent, Lucky and Regal Dragon
On 23rd January 2012, we left the Year of the Rabbit and entered the Year of the Dragon. How this year affects you personally will depend on your own sign and you can read about that here, but in general terms, the Year of the Dragon is considered to be an exciting and exhilarating time. This is in contrast to the peace and calm of the preceding Rabbit year.
In the West, the Dragon is seen as a vile beast to be slain and defeated. The Dragon was likened to the devil as it was seen to signify the worst moral aspects of humanity. However, this could not be further from the truth in Eastern societies. The Dragon is seen as the wise, strong, magical protector. He is seen as representing royalty and prosperity.
In a Dragon year, events can seem magnified and everything feels more intense. It is a time when we have the daring and energy to be bold and take risks. This could be an excellent time to take that step towards marriage, start a family or embark on that business venture. The only word of caution is not to get totally carried away with the enthusiasm and exhilaration of the Dragon year, as this could lead to you taking unnecessary risks. As long as you use the power and energy of this year to power your ambition, there is very little you cannot achieve.
The Dragon in Feng Shui
Feng Shui (literally translates as 'wind water') is the chinese art of placement which incorporates energy to help enhance our lives, working on the premise that different directions and areas of our homes/work places.correspond with the different areas of our lives.
The Dragon is a Feng shui 'cure' which is often used as it helps bring power and luck to the area of your life you are looking to enhance. Usually 'cures' must be used carefully as we can inadvertently turn the energies negative, so it is always best to know what you are doing or consult a specialist. But the Dragon is so powerful and lucky that it is something you can place in your house immediately and start to feel the benefits.
Some people are tempted to place Dragons all over their house, but this can be extreme and is not necessary. I would suggest placing two in your love area if you want to enhance your relationships and a further one in your business area. You can simply and easily find which areas these are by searching online or reading one of the many books on the subject.